A Guide to STIs

Sexually transmitted infections or STIs as they are more commonly known are infections which are transmitted in different ways such as kissing, touching or rubbing genitals, oral sex, intercourse or using sex toys. Some STIs have noticeable symptoms while others remain asymptomatic which means you can have the infection but not have any symptoms to alert you to its presence.

We can offer a sexual health check in our clinic. We know it can feel awkward or embarrassing to discuss your sex life but remember everything you discuss with us is confidential and there is no judgement.

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What is Lifestyle Medicine?

At its core, Lifestyle medicine empowers individuals to manage and improve their own health. It is an integrated whole-person approach to health that focuses on the management of lifestyle-related chronic medical conditions. Lifestyle medicine encourages self-empowerment and self-care. It empowers the individual with tools and strategies that offer a framework through which complex health problems can be solved.

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What does it mean to be an accredited HIV prescriber?

HIV treatment has changed dramatically in the last 20-30 years. Many HIV positive patients struggle with the stigma of being HIV positive and chose to keep their HIV status a secret, even from their GP. Thankfully things have changed and continue to change for the better. Some GPs (like Maxwell Medical’s Dr Euan Mabon) have undertaken specialist training to become accredited HIV prescribers.

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