
We offer comprehensive & inclusive patient care


About Maxwell Medical Group

Maxwell Medical Group offers clinical excellence and a truly patient-focused approach to medicine. We focus on proactive and preventative healthcare working with compassion and respect to build lasting relationships with our patients. We aim to stand out as a practice that provides the highest quality of care. We support patients with complex health problems, chronic disease, mental health issues and those in pursuit of wellbeing taking a ‘whole-of-person’ approach to care. Our mission is to provide a clinic where our patients feel welcome, safe, seen and heard.


GP Owned & Led

We are a GP owned and led clinic which means we can make decisions with the needs of our patients as our priority. Our practice began as a hopeful dream. Working together for many years across numerous clinics, Jenny, Euan, Jo and Ivana realised that they all shared the same values. As individuals we each strive to provide the best healthcare for our patients, to help guide them through life’s ups and downs, and to provide the support and specialist advice that is needed to empower them to achieve good health.

Specialist Interests

Some of the GPs who provide care to their patients at Maxwell Medical Group have developed specialist interests which allow them to provide comprehensive care for the community. Evidence-based medicine is at the heart of everything they do. They have a passion for continuous learning and for teaching the next generation of medical practitioners through affiliations with the University of Melbourne and the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners. These relationships help GPs to keep up to date with the latest evidence and guidelines, and allow them to focus on delivering clinical excellence for their patients.